Your Data, AI-enabled
How do we help brands?
Become Less Sticky
Leverage AI to streamline stuck processes.
We take the complexity and time out from implementing costly AI and machine learning technologies. Get solutions up and running in 1 - 2 months, not 1 - 2 years.
Fast implementations. Easy testing. Easy model adjustments. Straight-forward training. Automated solution generation. Included multi-language support.
Instant Self Help
No need to engage an IT team every time your data changes or when you need to update. Our data respository is updated with a simple drag-n-drop system. Our platform does the rest. See changes in seconds or minutes, not in hours or days.
> Market Research
Microsoft announces that Chat-GPT will power Bing.
> Market Segmentation
Chat GPT is leveraged in every industry and across every horizatonal. Nothing since the invention of the search engine will rival its market penetration.
> Platform Support
The Brain Flavor platform is provided as a managed service. No heavy lifting or costly maintenance required.
> Innovation And Product Development
The power of AI and machine learning is at your fingertips. The Brain Flavor platform will provide your company and customers an unmatched experience.
> Brand
Ask us how our platform will keep your brand and services "fresh and relevant".
> Customer Experience
Chat GPT will revolutionalize how consumers and customer access data. It will reset expectations on self-help, much like webpages did for newpapers.